Zynq - The Office of the Future

Creating Dedicated Leadership to Win the Flexible Workplace Talent War

In order to win the talent war, companies are having to adopt new ways of hybrid and flexible working. To ensure the success of these new models, dedicated leadership is required. Roles can include "Hybrid Workplace Lead," "Flexible Workplace Operation Manager," and "Head of Future of Work".

Hybrid Workplaces Holiday Party Ideas

The holidays are just around the corner, and you know what that means - the office holiday party is just around the corner too. Hooray! The office holiday party can be one of the best times of the year for everyone involved. They help bring everyone together and boost team

Glossary of the Hybrid Workplace

It’s hard keeping up with business lingo, but our handy glossary will make things so much easier. Below you will find many of the terms relevant to the modern workplace. Hybrid Working: Hybrid working is a flexible working model that allows employees to work from the company office, their

6 Tips for Dealing with Return to Office Push-Back

Covid-19 completely changed how we live and work. Many people who had never worked from home before began doing so around Spring 2020, and a large number of those are still at their home offices. A recent U.S. survey found that 56% of working Americans still work remotely either

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: A 4-Step Path to Implementation

President Biden’s recently implemented six-step strategy for combating the continuing surge of COVID-19 chiefly concerns itself with vaccinating the unvaccinated. Under that strategy, OSHA (The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has created a new rule. All employers with 100+ employees must require all employees to

How to Deal With Return-to-Work Anxiety

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 70% of all employees worked from home. Then, as vaccines began to roll out, workers slowly returned to the physical office, only to be confronted with the vaccine-resistant Delta variant. The new variant, plus the arrival of winter, is already leading to fresh closures and revised

Companies Can Use These Secure Apps as Vaccine Passes

With the COVID-19 infection rate on the decline, and vaccination rates steadily increasing, companies worldwide are planning a return back to the office. But with any return to work during a pandemic, the worries will follow: Can workplaces be safe? And how do you guarantee that to your workers? Can

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